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Keep informed with BGL’s research reports and publications analyzing issues and trends affecting middle market businesses and key industry sectors.

Diversified Industrials

Displaying 1-10 of 37 Research
Link to BGL Industrials Insider – Solid Foundation for Accelerating M&A in Building Products
BGL Industrials Building Products Cover Web 1
BGL Industrials Insider – Solid Foundation for Accelerating M&A in Building Products
Secular strength is fueling a white-hot M&A market in Building Products with investor appetite broad-based, according to an industry report released by the Building Products investment banking team at Brown Gibbons Lang & Company (BGL).…
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Link to BGL Industrials Insider – Scale, Technology, and Competitive Pressures Drive Industrial Distribution M&A
Industrial Distribution Insider October 2021 v2 Cover WEB
BGL Industrials Insider – Scale, Technology, and Competitive Pressures Drive Industrial Distribution M&A
An appetite for scale and technology among competitive pressures is continuing to drive consolidation in Industrial Distribution and fueling a robust M&A market, according to an industry report released by the Industrial Distribution investment banking…
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Link to BGL Industrial Technology Insider – Transforming Supply Chains
IND Transfofming Supply Chains Cover WEB
BGL Industrial Technology Insider – Transforming Supply Chains
Organizations of all sizes are moving toward a digital supply chain, which is rapidly becoming the predominant distribution model, a shift accelerated by COVID-19, according to an industry report released by the Industrial Technology investment…
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Link to BGL Industrials Insider – COVID Builds Case for M&A in Building Products
BGL Industrials Insider Building Products April 2021 Cover WEB
BGL Industrials Insider – COVID Builds Case for M&A in Building Products
Companies are navigating the reverberations of a global pandemic, the silver lining of which has been the acceleration of home investment, according to an industry report released by BGL's Industrials investment banking team. Strong underlying…
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Link to BGL Insider Special Report – IoT in Automation & Manufacturing
GMAP Industrials Newsletter IoT Cover WEB
BGL Insider Special Report – IoT in Automation & Manufacturing
Brown Gibbons Lang & Company (BGL) has released a new research report on IoT in Automation & Manufacturing. The industrial technology report covers global capital markets and mergers and acquisitions insights, trends and issues affecting…
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Link to BGL Insider Special Report – A Global Perspective on the Packaging Industry
BGL GMAP Insider Packaging Cover WEBSITE
BGL Insider Special Report – A Global Perspective on the Packaging Industry
Brown Gibbons Lang & Company (BGL), in conjunction with Global M&A Partners (GMAP), has released a new report on the Packaging industry. The report covers global capital markets and mergers and acquisitions insights, trends and…
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Link to BGL Insider Special Report – Non-Tech Companies Fostering Tech Acquisitions
GMAP Tech Newsletter Cover Image
BGL Insider Special Report – Non-Tech Companies Fostering Tech Acquisitions
Brown Gibbons Lang & Company (BGL), in conjunction with Global M&A Partners (GMAP), has released a new report on the shift of acquisition in the Technology industry by legacy companies in other industries. The report…
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Link to BGL Industrials Insider – Automation Drives Investment in Industrial Technology, M&A
Industrial Technology Cover August 2020
BGL Industrials Insider – Automation Drives Investment in Industrial Technology, M&A
Automation is transforming the industrial marketplace, with secular growth driving long-term investment, according to the BGL Industrials Insider, an industry report released by Brown Gibbons Lang & Company (BGL). Automation architecture is evolving to adapt…
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Link to BGL Industrials Insider – Industrial Distribution Sees Opportunity Amid COVID-19, M&A to Accelerate
Industrial Distribution Sees Opportunity cover
BGL Industrials Insider – Industrial Distribution Sees Opportunity Amid COVID-19, M&A to Accelerate
The Industrial Distribution market is proving its resiliency and attractiveness in the COVID-19 period, according to the Industrials Insider, an industry report released by Brown Gibbons Lang & Company (BGL). Kevin Sargent, a Director at…
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Link to BGL Industrials Insider – Green Drives Industrial Technology Investment
Green Drives Technology cover
BGL Industrials Insider – Green Drives Industrial Technology Investment
Technology is leading resource conservation strategies across the industrial sector, with a heightened focus on energy efficiency, de-carbonization, and the deployment of smart manufacturing, according to the Industrials Insider, an industry report released by Brown…
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